How does Jupiter hold up his trousers?
With an asteroid belt.
--Astronomy Jokes
Jupiter and Moons
Jupiter Moons and Red Spot Astrophotography Celestron 4SE - Brooklyn NYC |
Astrophoto from Brooklyn New York, NYC and astrophotography tourism. I like astronomy, astrophotography and nightscape, starscape photography. I like to record the finest details of the Moon, planets, the Sun, the Milky Way and beauty of the night sky. Telescopes: Celestron NexStar 4SE, Coronado Solarmax II 60. Digital Cameras: Canon EOS Ra, 60Da and 40D. CCD: NexImage, NexImage 5. Lens: Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II, Canon EF 200mm f/2.8 L II USM Telephoto USM
Jupiter Moons and Red Spot Astrophotography Celestron 4SE - Brooklyn NYC |