Canon 60Da Milky Way Ultra Wide Angle Astrophotography Summer Triangle Tripod Catskills Upstate NY New York |
Wide Angle Canon 60Da Milky Way astrophotography. There are Cygnus, Delphinus, Lyra, Lacerta, Sagitta constellations. Also you can see parts of Cepheus, Equuleus, Pegasus, Draco, Aquila constellations. Program founded about 10000 stars in this photo. Three most bright stars are from the summer triangle – Vega, Deneb, Altair. Visible nebulas are IC 1396 - Elephant's Trunk nebula, NGC 7000 - North America nebula, IC 5070 and IC 5067 - Pelican nebula, IC 1318 - The Gamma Cygni Nebula, IC 5146 - Cocoon Nebula, IC 1311 - Sadr region nebula, Veil Nebula, Triple cave dark nebula in Aquila, Le Gentil 3 dark nebula in Cygnus, beginning of Great Rift, Open clusters M29, NGC6885 and NGC6940, Brocchi's cluster.
Canon 60Da setting |
Milky way - Canon 60Da, Ultra Wide Angle Canon Lens EF 16 35mm f2.8L II
U, Fixed Tripod; F2.8, ISO 12800, exposure time 9 seconds for one shot,
total about 20 min. Photo stacked in DeepSkyStacker.
Canon 60Da Astrophotography - Tripod, Timer Remote and anti-Dew Dew-Not |
There is annotated wide field astrophoto
Wide Field Astrophotography Canon 60Da Milky Way - annotated |